Our Story

We are Craig and Angela Powell, owners and operators of JulBud Ranch. Both of us grew up getting to experience, and learn to love country life while living in suburbia.
Craig worked for a horse vet and participated in war reenactments in Illinois. Angela volunteered at Eagle Ranch Ministries in South Jordan, Utah and helped care for the horses, cows, and pigs there.
After we got married in 2013, we knew we eventually wanted to find a home in the country. Our forever home. We fell in love with the Huntsville area during one of our scenic drives around the state and when the time came for us to be able to make the move, we knew there was no other option than the Ogden Valley.
JulBud (pronounced Jewel Bud) combines the names of two people we admired and looked up to in our lives. Jul comes from Julian, Craig's grandfather, and Bud comes from Buddy, Angela's dad.
We pride ourselves on growing our food without the use of chemical fertilizer or pesticides. And our products are made with 100% natural ingredients.
We both help run and maintain the ranch, Angela runs most of the business side of things while Craig works his full time job outside of the home. When we're not busy working, tending to the land or animals, we enjoy kayaking, swimming, and paddle boarding at the two nearby reservoirs, sitting on our back porch listening to the birds and watching the deer and wild turkeys, playing games, watching movies, and generally enjoying each other's company.